
The ExU project's aims are divided into three themes. Through these themes, it will improve understanding of the disinformation landscape, develop cutting-edge tools, and ensure they are usable for real-world tasks.

Create New Data Resources

ExU will create new datasets providing invaluable insight into the spread of online disinformation.

Using a combination of experts and crowdworkers, we will produce high-quality, multilingual datasets covering serveral disinformation problems. 

These datasets will not only be used training ExU's tools, but will also be an invaluable source of information for other researchers, journalists and fact-checkers.

Build Cutting-Edge Tools

ExU will create new cutting-edge tools that help journalists and fact-checkers where they need it most.

Following discussions in previous research projects, two key tasks have been identified:

Although both these tasks are not new, most prior work addresses a specific language, primarily English. ExU will be the first to develop truly multilingual tools that work on a diverse set of languages relevant to Europe.

In addressing these tasks, ExU will use state-of-the-art techniques including Large Language Models.

Expand Dissemination of Research

ExU will involve fact-checkers and journalists from the start to produce usable and effective tools.

As well as publishing in academic journals, ExU will ensure the developed tools provide real benefits.

Using a network of fact-checkers and journalists from EDMO and other projects, we will: